Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Going Off on a Trip

Hello Everyone! Hola a Todos!

Wow! Things have been so amazing! Yesterday we rested after the LONG trip here. And let me say...it was truly a gift from God to rest. It was so nice. Today, Cindy and I went and made reservations at the hotel for the team coming at the end of the month. We also spoke with Giselle (daughter of restaurant owner) about feeding the team for dinner a few times while they are here. Cindy and I got things squared away for breakfast for the team as well. We had an amazing time with Pastor Antonio and Claudia. It was my first time meeting sister Claudia and wow...she is so precious! She is truly a woman of peace and the Holy Spirit just fumigates off of her. We all enjoyed each others company and shared some memories and the excitment of a new year and new people coming.

Oh!...last night, I got to see Santi and Silvana. They are my landlords two children. I havn't saw them in so long and it was awesome to see the expressions on there faces. Santi ran to me and gave me the biggest hug! Cindy and I have them spoiled. We give them american sweeties. Lol...they love coming to visit us.

Ok...back to today. :)
Giselle came around 11:00am to study english. She asked me yesterday if I could help her with her pronounciations and if we had anything that teaches fonetics. Cindy had some CD's and she gave them to her to use. During our study time, we both learned new words. She had some words on a piece of paper that Americans don't use. Those words are only used in places like England. So, it was funny because some of them I had to look up...haha...but nonetheless ... it was an amazing time. Giselle is a strong woman of God and has a very humble spirit and a servants attitude. Please pray for her as she continues to grow in the Lord. I am hoping that when Brittany comes, she will be able to disciple her more and more.

Tonight, we went to Cruz Misionario. It was amazing to see some of my friends from last summer. Although most were not there because of the cold, the time spent was a joyous time. We sang songs to the Lord and worshiped Him. I always enjoy sitting amongst believers that are passionate about what they sing. Please pray for Cruz Misionero as they continue to grow in the Lord and leaders rise up in the church.

Ok...so as the Title of this blog says....I am going off on a trip tomorrow.
We (Cindy, Pastor Antonio, Claudia (?) and I) will be first going to Quilcata (THE COLDEST PLACE ON EARTH)...staying the night...then to Marcabamba...staying the night...then to San Sebastien..staying the night and then to Miramarca and maybe staying the night. If not, we will hike back to our village. We will either be back late Saturday evening or sometime on Sunday.

Please pray for our travels and for the people that the Lord has in place for us to minister to. Pray that there hearts will be open to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and the love He has for them. Also, please pray for leaders to rise up in each place as we continue to share God's love to each person.

Praise Report!!~San Sebastien has taken a stand to build there own church. It is currently being built and the people there decided they needed a larger area to meet and also just a place to come together. How awesome! God is SO working in the lives of each believer here and I am excited to see what He is going to do next!

Thank you for your prayers...they are definitley felt ;) I love you all!


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