Monday, May 7, 2007

Arrived In Pausa!

Hello Everyone! Hola a Todos!

Well...after a LONG 24 hours, Cindy and I are once again safely in Pausa. Let me tell you some funny things about this trip. Haha...yeah...well maybe it won't be funny to you all, but I sure laughed a whole bunch! we left around 8:00am yesterday morning. We got one block down the road and we pull over...the tire went flat..isn't that a great way to start the trip?! Amazingly enough, it didn't take them too long to fix it. We then arrive at the other side of Lima to find that we waited an hour and a half for them to load the truck with all the cargo there was, plus the people. So we wait...haha...then we were off! Then we stopped for lunch...Cindy and I are thinking...are we ever going to get on with it?! Well at lunch, we had to go to the bathroom....well we came to find out that the mens and womens were not separated...haha...we felt a little awkward...but oh well...we felt better after making a donation! After that, I began to feel sick...I think this was the first time I have ever gotten motion sickness. Well after a few more hours, we arrived for dinner. Of course we had to go again, but praise Jesus!...this time we had privacy! I was so tired, i fell in the little whole we had to do our business in...thank God for wipes! I am sure you all wanted to know that...but just imagine...a tired gringo (dumb blonde) trying to use the bathroom in the middle of the night in a boxed square with a whole in the ground! probably arn't laughing, but I laughed at myself! Then we got on the bus and went some more...the engine over heated...that took forever. When we arrived at Quilcata, Cindy and I had to pee like we had been was in pain. So we go to use the bathroom. While I was in the bathroom, I met a fellow christian. Haha...weird place to meet one, but anyways...God knew what He was doing! I can't spell his name, but he is from Ayacucho and he came to Quilcata to help out a fellow brother in christ. Pedro (Quilcata house church leader) had broken his leg. The guy was around my age and was so humble. He got on the bus and rode into town with us. He helped us with our things (more like Cindy's stuff ... LOL) and we were able to have just good fellowship!

After this, cIndy and I went shopping for some food and then we hit the bed! Gosh...we were so tired.

Thank you all for your prayers!

It is so good to be back!!!



Unknown said...

Hey Josh--
I am soooo jealous you are in Peru, you had Kathy's cooking AND you are hanging out with Cindy. Tell her I miss her like crazy and I wish like anything I could be there with you guys. Voy a seguir con mis oraciones por ti y Cindy y el pueblito de Pausa.

missionarybrittany said...
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missionarybrittany said...

i'm glad to hear you arrived safely :)
ill see you soon!
oh and i have a very interesting story to tell you... i'll email it too you though because it's too long to type on here.
te amo mi hermano en Cristo!

laurendru said...

haha...your story made me laugh...i can't believe you fell in the hole..haha thats funny :)
i'm so happy you made it their safe nad healthy