Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our Plans Always Change

Hey Prayer Partners!

You know...our plans are never GOds plans it seems. However, we know that His are WAY better!

On Friday, we were at dinner at this amazing restaurant called "Miranda's". After eating at all other restaurants, we decided that place is the best. That restaurant also serves as the central convi station and transportation place. We needed to ask them about getting to the rest of the villages on our Sucre (one of the provinces) list. When we asked them about one of our "legs" of villages, he said that there is only one convi that goes that direction once a week. The roads are nearly in-passable. The only way we could research those 4 villages was to rent a driver for a day. After prayer and thought, we knew that was the only way. By car, the first village was 3 hours away uphill. We climbed about 3 to 4 thousand feet. We would have passed out hiking that.

Our plans were to go there day by day and hike to each one and pray for a vehicle to pass. God had different ones for us.

We started off yesterday with casino cookies, water, tangerine's, bread and only our research material. The first two villages were fairly close to each other in distance. At both of them, the mayor's invited us into there offices and told us all about there towns and what it needs and what it has and just about everything. We were able to research those very well. The Puesto's de Salud (Central Health Clinic in each town) also had maps in every village that we were able to look at and draw our maps of the villages. God places people of peace in our foot steps and really made our job of gathering information very easy.

We were also thankful that we had rented a driver because there were no hostals for us to stay in any village. There were also no restaurants except in one village what was rarely open.

So, we now only have one more "leg" of 4 villages left to research in the Sucre Province. Tomorrow ( My Birthday!) we head to Morcolla and then by Friday, we will be in Puquio (google it).

Thank you for your prayers. Please pray for my team as we travel. We can get pretty sick traveling every day. SO far, only Jenna has trown up on our bus/convi rides. I am sure she could use your prayers as well because I don't think she likes trowing up. Hehe.

Also, Please be praying for my family and my dad. He is having knee surgery on June 14th. He did something at work and is having to have surgery on it. I am anxious being 4,000 miles away from home during this. Please pray that I will have a peace about it all. Pray that the Great Physician will be with the doctors hands.

Also pray for a fellow missionary friend of mine. He is a part of the creative ministry team here in Peru this summer. He just found out that his good friend was in an accident and the doctors have performed two surgery's but nothing is looking promising. My friends name is Brian and his friends name was not given.

Until next entry...God Bless!

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