Friday, June 15, 2007

An Amazing Birthday and Many Adventures

Hola Mis Prayer Partners!!

Let me tell you, rugged does not even begin to describe it. First of all, there are no toilets in half the towns, and if there is one, it has 3 walls and two rotting boards over a hole. Also, I almost ran into a chicken carcass that was hanging in our hostel this morning. We are having a blast, and are so blessed with people who want to help us that we have to hike a mountain to get away from them. That poses a problem because I fall on cacti, a lot! I am not even kidding, it happened yesterday.

My Birthday went extremley well. There was a small store in a town called Morcolla that we ended up in on my birthday to do research. The store had a pack of Oreos. favorite snack. God is so good. I slept outside on a roof of an adobe house the night of my birthday with 8 blankets and my 15 degree sleeping bag. The stars we so amazing. It was like glitter above. Today, we found a "cake"...peruvian. It was so good though and Sarah and Jenna (my teammates)sang me happy birthday and we enjoyed half of it. Wow how we miss sweets.

Have you ever met a lady with way too much peace? WEll let me tell you. Part of our research includes finding a person of peace. Our lady in the the previous village would not leave us a lone and brought us every official in the more. This is a good thing, but when it turns into all day and that they won't leave you alone, you get kind of annoyed. WE call mujer con bastante paz. WE were thankful for her. yes i fell in a cactus. I have fallen in a lot of cacti while I have been here in this beautiful land of Peru. Well, yesterday we had to hike up a small mountain to take a picture of the town we were in for our research. WHile Sarah and I were hiking, i suddenly fell through a whole and a cactus caught my fall. I have no idea where the hole came out of. It was DEEP. All but my shoulders and head were in the hole and I was freaking out. I thought something was going to eat me underneath. The earth around me also fell through and I was honestly just freaking out. Sarah started laughing and didn't know what happened because she was infront of me. Well, i spent the rest of the day with a nife in many areas of my body taking out "espinas"...cacti whatever the word is in english. I forgot. I am still getting the out of my shoes.

Don't freak out...I am fine. Just very well ventalated. (from the many holes i have in me)

The day before yesterday, we were in a hostel that had a pet parrot. That was interesting. It would charge me and peck at me. I ended up kicking it our of instinct because it sort of scard me once. It was an interesting friend to have at the hostel. IT also served as our hostel guard "dog". It sounded like it was barking when it cherped sometimes.

God has been doing amazing things. WE have meet with most of the mayors and have found many people of peace. WE have been able to gather lots of information and plus more from the amazing people our Lord and Savior have put in our place. Tomorrow we got to Andamarca and then on to Puquio from there.

OH:::we get Ducha calliente tonight. That means a hott shower. You have no idea how long it has been since we bathed. Yes, we smell. I lost track after about two weeks i think.

Well, until next blog...Blessings to you all!

1 comment:

laurendru said...

sleeping outside, glittering stars, oreo's, a birthday in another country, funny stories about falling in the catus, and a hot shower!

good couple of days :)