Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mission Information

Hello to All!!

So first of all, I would like to tell about the how the Lord led me here to Midtown(downtown) Miami, FL.
Since my 2006 spring semester, I have felt in my heart that I needed to be seeking the Lords direction in taking the next step. I knew this next step would include moving and felt that it was time for me to begin praying and asking the Lord for his guidance.
It just so happened in March of that same semester, I was sent to a church planting conference for my church planting internship I was doing with Southern Country Fellowship(Marianna, FL). At this conference, there was no one my age and the closest person to my age was around 30 something. So...I just kind of wondered around and took notes during the seminars and things. I believe it was on the second day that I saw a couple with there child that was very Hispanic and they were speaking Spanish. I was like, "I have got to go talk to them!"! So I did and that began my journey to Miami.

Arturo and Lizbeth Salcedo are church planters in Midtown Miami, FL. We spent the rest of that conference together and began forming a relationship.
In May, I drove one of my friends from Brazil, Sarah, to the airport in Miami. Before arriving, I called the Salcedos to tell them of this news and after dropping my friend off at the airport I went to meet them. Arturo showed me around Miami and told me about the ministry there and that they were needing some help. I didn't think about me going down there at that moment. So...I went to Peru the week after my trip to Miami and the entire time, I prayed about moving for the fall semester to where ever the Lord wanted me. Peru was drawing near to the time for me to leave and I had a contentment to stay at BCF (Baptist College of Florida) for the fall semester.

During the fall semester, the Lord began to speak to me about Miami very strongly. After much time in prayer, I just knew that is where the Lord desired me to be. Time began to go buy and the Lord provided me a free place to stay and he also called a close friend of mine to move down with me. My new school is just one mile down the road and I get to speak Spanish everyday! is the churches website.

Walk the World
The Lord began to speak to me about having a name for the ministry that I do overseas. Although I go and serve with other organizations, I felt He wanted me to start the beginning stages of a ministry. Walk the World will be in direct cooperation with my families ministry, Go Teach Ministries. Later on in the future, Walk the World will become a non-profit organization working with Go Teach Ministries and other Ministries as well. Once this is established, I will no longer have to use other churches or organizations for taxes and deductible purposes. This could be 6 months to 3 years from now. I am just waiting on the Lord's timing to continue with the processes. But none the less, the Lord has given me the name.

Ever since I heard, read, and watched about the five martyred missionaries in Ecuador, I have wanted to go there and minister. This past fall semester, I met a good friend named Evan Smith. He was the one who also moved here to Miami with me. Evan has ministered in Bolivia and Ecuador. His calling is to be a missionary pilot and he is all about Ecuador and "End of the Spear." He has asked me to begin praying about going to Ecuador since the day I met him and of course I said I would pray about it. I got all excited and began praying. The Lord wasn't responding for so long and I was like, "Um...does this mean no?" So..I decided to leave it at rest and if the Lord wanted me to go, then I would know. During the Christmas break, God placed a burden on my heart for that country and for the work we would be doing. I knew then that He had affirmed me going.
We will be working with Global Outreach International and the missionaries name is Steve Thompson. We will spend 8 days in Ecuador and be taking some youth and the pastor from our church down there with us also. Our main task is to reach the un-reached tribes along a few different rivers connecting to the Amazon. We will be leading in Praise and Worship and working with the Children. These two tasks are what the missionary uses for a better affect on the tribes. Of course...we will be ministering in several other different ways that only occur in the moment you are there. We will be taking pick-up trucks, canoes, and hiking in order to reach these un-reached pocket tribes and tell them about our Lord Jesus Christ!

Once again, the Lord is sending me back to Peru and I am so excited about going back and serving Him again! This time, I will be doing research with two other team members. My task is: to research, investigate, and identify unreached populations by gathering ethnolinguistic and demographic information; meeting men and women of peace, being gatekeepers and bridgemakers; and acquiring maps and documents which will aid USA entities in the planting of indigenous churches that plant indigenous churches. I will be part of a team that travels all over Peru to go to places that have possibly not had heard of the Good News of Jesus Christ. This trip will be even more ruffer conditions than this past summer. We will only be bringing three outfits and a sleeping bag. We will receive material in Peru and then we are sent out! I am so excited. I never pictured myself "ruffing it" like I have done and will do again in Peru. Although Ecuador will be ruff also, Peru is for 10 weeks.

Please continue to Pray for me, the people I will come in contact with and for the people I will be working with as we go out and proclaim the Love of Jesus Christ.
Also, Please pray for the finances. None of this could be possible without the generous support of family and friends like you!

If you wish to contact me about anything, please feel free.
Joshua Keever
1790 NE 2nd Court
Miami, FL 33132

Don't forget to continue reading updates on this site for each trip!

May the Lord Bless You and Keep you!!

Because of His Grace,
Joshua Keever

1 comment:

Michele said...

Hi! So there you are! =)

You're still in our prayers!
We look forward to more updates...

in Christ~